Saturday, July 12, 2008

At Random

Several years ago, my husband gave me a Canon S410 camera as a gift. He was so excited to drag me, kicking and screaming, into the digital age. I must say, I have loved this camera. It has traveled with me, near and far, and provided me with more than a few photos that still make me swoon. (Is it even possible to take a bad photo in Sedona? Yeah, I didn't think so.)

Sadly, 4 mp doesn't cut it these days. I think I'm ready to move up. But when I've tried to research the DSLRs, I get hives. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is more camera than I care to lug around with me. I'm afraid that all of the juggling would take the joy out of trying to capture whatever beauty or wonder that I've happened upon. I like to shoot in the magical moment ... whip the camera from my pocket and have it ready to go.

With that said, I have concluded that the Canon G9 looks like the camera for me at this stage in my photohood. The price is right. The size is perfect. I've read every review that I could possibly get my eyes upon. Drawbacks aside, I'm THIS CLOSE to clicking the Buy Now button, but still a wee bit apprehensive. Thoughts?

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Yesterday, I finished reading, Twilight. Over the course of five days, I devoured it. My daughter is absolutely tickled. She has been trying to get me to read this book for the last six months. It is an understatement to say that she is eager for the release of the fourth book in this series on August 2. As for me, I am lagging behind on the second book, but that's okay ... I'm happy to take my time with them ... if that's possible.

I have to admit that this isn't the kind of book that I would pick up on my own. Not really my story style. But my daughter has excellent taste in books and I always try to (eventually) take her advice. Don't let the "teen" theme scare you off. This story is sweet and suspenseful. A great summer read! You will probably find me to be the oldest woman in the theatre when the Twilight movie comes out in December.

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Last but not least on this Saturday night, I thought I could resist, but I think I'm going to have to Raw Fu. Stay tuned!

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