Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Wishcasting

Any personal wish that I could make today would be trivial in light of the disaster in Haiti. So my wishes on this Wednesday respectfully go there.

I wish for the expeditious arrival of helpful hands and equipment.

I wish for abundant medical care, supplies, and easy access to such.

I wish for gentle comfort and nourishment to all there in all forms.

I wish for the safety of rescuers and all of the lost to be found.

I wish for compassionate hearts worldwide to aid however so inclined.


erinrichardson said...

Very noble wishes Jakk, and of course I totally support the attainment of these wishes. Thank you for your lovely comments. Walking my cats? It's more like they follow me everywhere I go and crazy me if we don't go out for a walk! Will blog about it soon.

Sulwyn said...

As Jakk wishes for those in trouble and need, so I wish also.

Anonymous said...

as jakk wishes for those in need, so i wish for them also.

Anonymous said...

As Jakk wishes for others, I wish for them also.

Beverley Baird said...

As Jakk wishes for so many others, so I wish for them as well.

Sarah Lulu said...

Yes that is a beautiful idea.

As Jakk wishes for others I so lovingly wish this with her also. xx

Unknown said...

As you wish for yourself, Jakk, I so wish for you as well.