Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 16,205: Wishcasting Wednesday

(Another favorite lomo from my archives: Ripley, OH, March 2009)

Where do you wish to make a difference?

Who among us on some level doesn't want to don the cape and take the world by storm? I think we are kind of wired that way to a greater or lesser degree. You know ... go big or go home.

My wish is to make a difference with me. When I make a difference with me, it flows out to my family. It flows out to the people with whom I interact in my work. It flows out to the people with whom I do business. It flows out to the people with whom I interact virtually. And let's not forget the blessed random ones with whom I connect so briefly.

On a day to day basis, my circle of influence may seem very small ... until I remember that those I touch go on to touch others through the course of their day. And, of course, those touched go on to touch others too. And so it flows.

But always and in all ways, it begins with me. Am I being kind to myself? Have I nourished myself? Am I compassionate with myself? Am I forgiving myself? Am I helping myself? Am I being peace?

It is only when my tank is full that I can be of any upliftment or assistance to anyone else. It begins and ends with me for me.


LissaL said...

As Julie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

Karen D said...

As Julie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.. So true, making a difference for yourself will flow out to all around you.

Beverley Baird said...

As Julie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
IT is so true that we really must care for ourselves before we can make a difference!

Sara @SoulSpackle said...

As Julie wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!