Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 16,551: Wild-Hearted

A wild-hearted friend directed to me this video and I couldn't resist sharing it here with you. For a chunk of my youth, I was positive that I wanted to be Stevie Nicks when I grew up. This video is sweet as honey and reminds me of why I idolized her so. It warms my heart to watch artists (musicians, in particular) get caught up in the moment, immersed in and overcome by what they love. Sitting still and silent were not options for her here. (No doubt to the frustration of her immensely patient make-up artist.) Yes, maybe this was due to more than just the music, but I believe that Stevie was simply hopped up on pure joy.

I'm taking my wild-heart on a much-needed retreat this weekend. This new year is off to a beautiful, but very busy start. My tank is running a bit low, so I aim to fill it up on yoga, good food, and some much needed rest.

While I'm away, I send blessings to you and YOUR wild-heart!

1 comment:

Whiskey Tales by Beach Waling in the Desert said...

I have always love her music, her style! ~M