Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 17,340 Gratitude: The Only Way Through It is Through It

With four days left in March, I can't say it's a month I'm gonna miss once it's gone.  I'm not fond of rollercoasters ... with "not fond" meaning "terrified."  But I've found myself strapped into one this month nonetheless.  Round and round, up and down I go.  The only thing left to do is surrender.

When the sky has gone bruised and the wind has blown cold, mercy finds us.  Somehow, someway, everything is going to be okay.  Through the grime and wired windows on and over each of our souls, the love and light will always make itself known and it's way through.  For this I am so grateful.

(Click here if you'd like to listen to this post.)


Kris said...

I'll drink to that...where's my tea? Love you, Julie!! Kris Gentry. Muahh

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

This is a beautiful post, Julie. Sending you lots of light and love, my friend.

Beth said...

"the sky has gone bruised"...
love this and loved listening to you.