I have added a button in the sidebar which you can click on to signup for my upcoming newsletter via
My Newsletter Builder. It will be sent via e-mail very soon. Subscribing has its privileges, as each issue will have a coupon with a special offer on Jakk's Magic Beans Workshop creations and services. These offers will ONLY be available to newsletter subscribers. Not to give any secrets away, but if there is an I-AMulet in the
Shop that you are smitten with, then you really should subscribe right away.
Thanks in advance for your support!
I just want to add that the newsletters will be sent at the beginning of each month with not only a special offer, but unique articles, links and resources. I promise not to become an e-mail pest ... once a month, that's it. You can very easily unsubscribe at any time with the click of a button at the bottom of the newsletter itself.