Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 17,137: Maybe in Due Time

Empty nested.  I am not a fan.  Not yet.  Maybe in due time. 

It crosses my mind around 6:15 a.m. that I ought to go upstairs to make sure she's up for the day.  And then I remember.  A school bus goes by.  I remember.  Evening rolls around and time for all to return to the roost.  Again, I remember. 

She's getting settled.  Finding her way.  Figuring it out.  Fumbling.  It's going around.  Individually within and collectively as a family.  Navigating these changes is awkward.  Surprisingly messy.  Not at all like I thought it would be. 

I welcome this new chapter with open arms.  I shamelessly confess that I've no idea what to do with it from there.  Not yet.  Maybe in due time.

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