Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sacred Life Sunday

My husband and I spent this morning at the Cincinnati Zoo. My Canon G9 arrived early last week and I haven't had the opportunity to take it for a test drive until today. Considering that I had to "super-zoom" (yeah, a technical term) in order to get this shot, I am incredibly pleased. Thrilled. Swooning at the possibilities.

It's been awhile since I've really let myself loose to take photos and, well, I didn't realize how much I've missed it. Same can be said for a lot of things that have had to be put on hold because of day-to-day busy-ness. But having this fresh new camera has, thankfully, reminded me of the sacredness in capturing a magical moment ... be it digitally or old-school film. This is why I love to take pictures. For me, it is worship. It is prayer.


~Tim said...

Nice shot. So, are you going to be posting more photos?

Jakk said...

Hi Tim, yeah ... hopefully more photos in the future.