Sunday, March 22, 2009


My love affair with this magical camera started in 2003. Okay, well before, because of Dawn and her drool-worthy lomo images of Chicago. I contacted her, gushed effusively, and she really encouraged me to get one of my own and give it a whirl. So I did. And what a whirl it's been!

But something happened in 2005 and I suspect that something was my digital camera. The lomo was set aside for instant gratification. Only recently did I blow the dust off of my poor lomo and discover that it still had film in it. So I finished the roll and eagerly took it for developing. Had it really been almost four years? Looks that way. Pictures don't lie. But I'm trying to make amends. My lomo will go with me to San Francisco in April and we'll see what kind of magic we can make. With color film, though ... definitely color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for the Lomo! Jul this pic is beautiful, so glad you are taking the Lomo with you but DO take some black and white pics too.