Friday, February 6, 2009

A New Story

What drum are you beating
What bone are you chewing
What scab are you picking
What hair are you splitting
What record are you playing
What story are you telling yourself about your life
Right now
About why things aren't going well for you
And all that you believe is wrong
And how the odds are stacked against you
And whose (or whats) fault that might be
And how this shit has got to stop
And why you're pretty sure that it won't
Step away from that drum
Drop that bone
Stop it
Just stop
You don't have to do this anymore
To them
To you
It's a story
Just a story
The same story you may have been telling yourself
For a long time
There's still plenty of time to write
A new story for 2009
It's worth it
You're worth it
I promise

1 comment:

Jen Lee said...

Jakk--I really like this! Yes!