Leave a comment on this post by 11:59 tonight and these could be yours ... an $18 value, free, as a Magic Beans gift from me. (If you post anonymously, please include your first name or nickname with your comment.)
For the sake of having something to comment, what are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your lifetime?
The winner will be drawn tomorrow morning and identified as a note at the bottom of this post, so please check back.
Good luck!
The lucky winner of these sunny earrings is BETH! Congratulations! Connect with me via e-mail and I'll send these on their way to you. Everyone else can keep those comments comin' ... six more chances to win! As always, I really appreciate you playing along and sharing with me.
Hi Julie! I am most proud of the kids I have had a hand in bringing up. I can't take all the credit as they were born amazing people, but raising them is something I am most proud of in my lifetime!
I'm most proud of a couple of the life-changing choices I made even when family members were opposed.
In my lifetime...my kids I am most proud of becoming a mom to my wonderful kids!
My daughter is my biggest accomplishment, she's only 4 months old but I've been waiting to be a mom many years and I couldn't be happier.
I am so very proud to have known Sue Jorgenson, a church friend who passed away this week - she was a true example of how we should all care for others - at all times!!!
I am proud of the choices I made to expand myself and take some risks/leaps of faith at certain junctures in my life, which helped to shape who I am today. God bless those kind souls who supported me as well.
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