Good boundaries. At least for today. At least as the situation warranted.
I had to take my daughter to an appointment with a specialist at our world-renowned Children's Hospital. It's common practice to speak with at least one fellow, resident, whatever, before you actually see the physician with whom you have an appointment. That's fine. But I know that my daughter has grown weary of telling the same story over and over again. I echo her fatigue. This particular appointment involved some unexpected prodding to which she is unaccustomed and, frankly, it only added insult to her annoyance.
So when the physician ordered blood tests and a sample which shall not be named, just to make sure we cover all the bases, we made our way across the hospital with the best intentions to follow orders. But those awaiting testing were lumped in with those awaiting admittance and the small, smelly waiting area overflowed with unhappy children and their impatient parents.
At this point, we'd already logged two hours on our most obedient behavior. We hadn't a glimmer of hope of getting out of there anytime soon. I could tell by the look on my dear daughter's face that she'd reached her limit for the day. So I took a deep breath and made the arbitrary and capricious decision that mother's sometimes have to make on behalf of their children ... to say enough is enough is enough for this one day.
I told her that we were going home now. I didn't tell the staff that we were leaving. They weren't accessible to tell. I know that I will have to explain my way out of this mess tomorrow. That's fine. I know that I did the right thing. And I know that everything will work out. She'll get the tests, but on more reasonable terms.
I want to remember this day, this decision, and not wait so long to reach my limit, to draw the line. Not only for the people I love, but also for the one I'm supposed to love the most. Me.
What are YOU grateful for today?
I'm also grateful for second chances. With today's New Moon, it was a second chance for another New Year's Day. The photo above is of my Christmas cactus which had gorgeous red blooms around the first of December. I moved it to a new location and now it is surprising me with a new round of buds to flower yet again in the days and weeks ahead. I had no idea that this was even possible. I take it as a very auspicious sign.
1 comment:
You are a good mama.
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